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  • lskreddy
    01-31 10:48 PM
    You know, there are often times we all get upset that some stupid questions make it to the list, republican debate was one such yesterday, today's democratic one looked better. I hated that they did not ask our question inspite of it being the 2nd popular one but I personally think the question was too damn narrow for them to care.

    For us, it may seem the world but for them it is just a technicality/one of the several points of CIR. Both Clinton and Obama seem to always chime in and act all gung-ho about legal immigration coming first.

    Whenever they are asked about any frig'n immigration question, they throw the buzz word 'comprehensive immigration reform' and that folks, covers the entire gamut. The worst part is, on this issue the entire front runners look the same, well, almost. Mitt R is against but John, Hillary and Barack all seem to sing the same koom-ba-yaa song about CIR.


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  • The new sample is in the form

  • americandesi
    07-27 02:45 PM

    you have any link to the memo?


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  • w 2 form example. apraisal

  • RandyK
    11-06 11:50 AM
    Senator Grassley sponsored H-1B Supplemental Fee legislation which the Senate passed but collapsed at the conference a few days ago. Yesterday, in the "unrelated" "Farm" Bill session, the Senator requested a ten-minute time and made the following statement on the Senate floor. Abstract of the statement -"It Ain't Over T'll It is Over."

    Mr. President, earlier this year, the Senate tried to solve the very complex and emotional issue of immigration reform. The immigration bill we considered included border security, interior enforcement, and amnesty. It also included many needed reforms to our legal immigration process. I said throughout the debate that Congress needs a long-term solution to the immigration issue. We cannot pass a bandaid approach that includes a path to citizenship for law breakers; rather, Congress needs to improve our legal immigration channels. I firmly believe companies want to hire legal workers, and people want to enter the United States legally. If we fix our visa policies, we can restore integrity to our immigration system, and all parties can benefit. But if we cannot pass a comprehensive bill--and I think as time goes on it is going to look more difficult as we go into an election year--if we cannot pass such a comprehensive bill, I think that we should consider passing legislation we can agree on. I am taking the floor at this time to talk about the H-1B visa provisions that were included in the immigration bill and ask my colleagues to take a second look at these needed reforms. Many companies use H-1B programs. It has served a valuable purpose. But we need to reevaluate how this program operates and work to make it more effective. The H-1B program was officially created in 1990, although we have brought foreign workers legally into our country for over 30 years. It was brought into existence to serve American employers that needed high-tech workers. It was created to file a void in the U.S. labor force. The visa holders were intended to file jobs for a temporary amount of time, while the country invested in American workers to pick up the skills our economy needed. We attached fees to the visas that now bring in millions of dollars. These fees and the dollars that come with it are invested in training grants to educate our own workforce. We use the funds to put kids through school for science, technology, engineering, and math skills. We provide students with scholarships with the hope that they will replace imported foreign workers. Unfortunately, the H-1B program is so popular, it is now replacing the U.S. labor force rather than supplementing it. The high-tech and business community is begging Congress to raise or eliminate the annual cap that currently stands at 85,000 visas each year. These numbers do not include and account for those who are exempt from the cap. For instance, we don't count employees at institutions of higher education or nonprofit research organizations. We don't count those who change jobs or renew their H-1B visa. My point is, we have many more than 85,000 H-1B visas distributed each year. I am here to tell my colleagues that increasing the visa supply is not the only solution to the so-called shortage of high-tech workers. Since March of this year, the Senator from Illinois, Mr. Durbin, and I have taken a good look at the H-1B visa program. We have raised issues with the Citizenship and Immigration Service as well as the Department of Labor. We have asked questions of companies that use the H-1B visa, and I have raised issues with attorneys who advise their clients on how to get around the permanent employment regulations. I would like to share what I have learned. I want to give some fraud and abuse examples. Unfortunately, there are some bad apples in the H-1B visa program. In 2005, a man was charged with fraud and misuse of visas, money laundering, and mail fraud for his participation in a multistate scam to smuggle Indian and Pakistani nationals into the United States with fraudulently obtained H-1B visas. The man created fictitious companies, often renting only a cubicle simply to have a mailing address. He fabricated tax returns and submitted over 1,000 false visa petitions. Another man pled guilty last August to charges of fraud and conspiracy. This man and an attorney charged foreign nationals thousands of dollars to fraudulently obtain H-1B visas. He provided false documents to substantiate their H-1B petitions. The Programmer's Guild, a group representing U.S. worker interests, filed over 300 discrimination complaints in the first half of 2006 against companies that posted ``H-1B visa holder only'' ads on job boards. Anyone can go on the Internet and find jobs that target H-1B visa holders. There are more than just national anecdotes, however. Everyday Americans are affected. Since looking into the H-1B visa program, some of my constituents have come to me and spoken out against abuses they see. One of my constituents has shared copies of e-mails showing how he is often bombarded with requests by companies that want to lease their H-1B workers to that Iowan. There are companies with H-1B workers who are so-called ``on the bench,'' meaning they are ready to be deployed to a project. Hundreds of foreign workers are standing by waiting for work. Some call these H-1B ``factory firms.'' This Iowan even said one company went so far as to require him to sign a memorandum of understanding that helps the H-1B factory firm justify to the Federal Government that they have adequate business opportunity that requires additional visa holders. It is a complete falsification of the market justification for additional H-1B workers. These firms are making a commodity out of H-1B workers. They have visa holders but are looking for work. It is supposed to be the other way around. There should be a shortage or a need, first and foremost. Then and only then do we allow foreign workers to fill these jobs temporarily. Another constituent sent me a letter saying that he saw firsthand how foreign workers were brought in while Iowans with similar qualifications were let go. He tells me he is a computer professional with over 20 years experience. He was laid off and has yet to find a job. He states: I believe [my employer] has a history of hiring H-1B computer personnel at the expense of qualified American citizens. Another Iowan from Cedar Falls wrote in support of our review of the H-1B program. He is a computer programmer with a master's degree and over 20 years of work experience in that field. He says: Despite all of my qualifications, in the last four years I have applied to over 3,700 positions and have received no job offers. He believes he is in constant competition with H-1B visa holders. I received a letter from a man in Arizona who works for a company that employs dozens of H-1B workers. When he asked his supervisor why so many foreign nationals were being hired, the head of human resources said: If the company has an American and a person from India, both with the same skill set, the company will hire the person from India because they can pay them less. These are firsthand stories from U.S. workers. I ask those begging for an increase in foreign workers to explain these cases to me. Why are Americans struggling to get jobs as software developers, data processors, and program analysts? Senator Durbin and I inquired with several foreign-based companies that use the H-1B program. Rather than sending a letter to all companies that use the program, which would be over 200 companies, we decided to start our investigation with foreign-based entities. Our intention was to learn how foreign companies are using our visas. We learned that the top nine foreign-based companies used 20,000 visas in 2006. Think of what a high percentage that is of the 85,000, just nine foreign-based companies, 20,000 visas in the year 2006. I say that twice for emphasis. It just so happens that Indian companies are using one-third of the available visas we allocate each year, but there is more to learn. We are not done asking questions. We, meaning Senator Durbin and I, continue to talk to U.S.-based companies and companies in our own States that use the program. The Citizenship and Immigration Service also has concerns. Our review has prompted discussion among the executive branch, businesses, labor unions, and workers, and workers are the ones we are concerned about. So we are not the only ones asking questions. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is also worried about fraud in the program. This agency's investigative arm, that subdivision called the Fraud Detection and National Security unit, is doing a fraud assessment of the H-1B and L visa programs. I asked the unit to brief my staff on their work, and they reported they are not finished with analyzing the data. Senator Collins of Maine and I put the agency on notice that we are anxiously awaiting this report so we may continue our quest to reform the program appropriately. In the meantime, the bill Senator Durbin and I introduced includes measures to rein in the abuse. It goes a long ways to close some loopholes to protect American workers. It is our hope that these measures will bring the program back to its original mission; that is, to help U.S.-based companies find highly skilled workers to fill the shortage for a temporary period of time. That is what the H-1B visa program is all about. Under current law, companies can bring in foreign workers on an H-1B visa without first attempting to hire an American.

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  • grupak
    06-13 01:08 PM
    Hi Will Win
    Don't you think if the EB system here was fixed, IV would have been able to focus on CP ?

    We all need to stick together to help each other.


    There is an even a more direct benefit here I think. If the bills pass, dates move forward for everyone both AOS and CP.


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  • Figure 2: An example CyberProf

  • manisha5
    07-17 04:14 PM
    Signed :)

    w 2 form example. Sample form. 2.
  • Sample form. 2.

  • chanduv23
    07-19 10:24 AM
    We would be happy to know from core that your expenses have been reimbursed. I am sure, Jwalant, Himanshu, Prsatik etc.. all have contributed apart from Aman.

    Offcourse the time spent cannot be reimbursed, but definitely money can. Its wrong on part that one has to shed so much money.


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  • Sample Right to Know Payroll

  • kc_p21
    12-12 10:54 AM
    After sending their stories?

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  • Printed Form Examples

  • lvinaykumar
    07-14 05:36 PM
    Signed and Emailed


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  • Example W-2 Form

  • satishku_2000
    05-24 11:57 PM
    Student loans too ......


    Page 298 line 11 section 616.

    I am not surprised if a Senator brings up amendment to fund all these stundent loans by H1 people.

    I am not sure if this bill is ever gonna make it to presidents desk

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  • Forms W-2, (2) for John E.

  • KanME
    07-19 10:26 AM
    First of all, there is no typo, never he will say something not real.
    Come on, it's not you and me stood up, spent personal time, sacrificed so much.

    If you can not contribute for obvious reasons, no one is demanding you. I hope and sincerely wish that 'Aman' doesn't have to sell his house.
    It's heart breaking to see such statements

    Please dont post your own interpretation of the post that you read here..
    I never suggested nor can even think that Aman would say something untrue..do you know the defination of "typo"..its a error in typing on the part of the writer not the subject fyi..

    Please dont take text out of context...

    Why have we started jumping at each other ! Can some members learn to show some tolerence and understand the context of the posts before joining the bandwagon of criticising.

    but I am glad that because of the initial poster's message we came to know from Pappu about Aman's selfless act and what he has done for the organisation..Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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  • W2 forms and transmittals.

  • caliguy
    09-17 01:24 PM
    kubmilegaGC - Heartiest congratulations! Go out and enjoy the freedom!!! You deserve it.

    I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS...this morning 10:00AM CST we got the CPO emails for both of us...

    I just can not thank Aall of you enough and the IV community for the support they have provided over the last few years - especially since Sept 1.


    I will be around - not going anywhere and will support IV efforts!

    BEST OF LUCK FOR THOSE WHO ARE WAITING...Believe me "appka bhi number aayega" I was loosing hopes - since Sept 1 when saw number of approvals after my PD/RD/ND etc..but there is really nothing that can predict this system.

    Here is my journey - encapsulated:

    PD- June 04
    I485 files on July 2nd 2007 - NSC
    RD 8/4/2207
    SR #1: 9/4/2209
    SR #2" 9/11/2209
    Senator contact: 9/10/2009 and 9/11/2009
    Infopass: 9/15/2009
    CPO emails: 9/17/2009

    Hang in there - open SRs and contact your senators!!!

    hot Figure 2: An example CyberProf w 2 form example. W2 Example: Schedule K-1 Form
  • W2 Example: Schedule K-1 Form

  • mirage
    10-07 07:43 PM
    Did you guys paid attention to this, when Inflation rose to 13% Indian Finance Minister said it is because Oil is at $160 a barrel, but now as Oil has come down, Inflation has come down worldwide Inflation is still above 12% in India. also, when Stock markets were at 22K Indian FM minister used to give Interviews every day it is because of great policies of UPA govt. Now Sensex has slashed 40%, Finance Mn. has suddenly dissapeared. Did you guys also heard him saying 'Indian economy is insulated from ongoing US crisis'. I doubt if there is a bigger liar in Indian govt. than the finance minister he's beaten Laloo, amar singh types...


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  • tcsonly
    08-26 03:19 PM

    This is not a financial help/grievance forum to discuss about funds transfer problems, or bank reputation. There are many more places for that purpose. If you cannot find one, start one for yourself.

    This forum is meant for discussing US employment based immigration related matters.

    If you still have any doubts, click on the "About us" link on top of the web page and dispel your doubts.

    Admins: Please close this thread.

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  • Here is a sample copy of our

  • gc_on_demand
    06-11 08:57 AM

    July bulletin is OUT and NO more significant movement. Donot hope for future bulletin . Please call Lawmakers ASAP. Unless we take action USCIS is not going to do anything. Situation can be worse once we head towards election season. Still we have 1-2 months to get things done or we will be waiting for years to get green card OR EAD ( For some folks ).

    It is just 10-15 minutes need to spend to call. Let them know WHO WE ARE AND WHAT ARE OUR ISSUES .

    I request all of you to call , if you have called then ask your friends and family members to call.

    Now its time to act. If we dont take action CHC will not allow to move ahead our 3 bills.

    CALL NOW .... and Spread this message to everyone.


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  • W2 Example: W2 CODES:

  • admin
    04-10 08:16 AM
    It looks excellent response.

    Now let us take third round. Every one convice atleast one person for contribution and post the experience here.

    Request to administrator to post latest contribution figure.



    We have updated the contributions page -

    We have collected a little over $80,000 so far. We still have a long way to go to reach our target of $150,000. The more the money that all of our members contribute, more the amount of hours the lobbyist will be able to expend on our cause. This is really crunch time for us and we urge all members to contribute and also convince their friends and relatives also to contribute.

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  • HawaldarNaik
    11-25 07:48 AM
    What are the steps to follow to switch over to EAD, do i have to fill out some form and how do i i nform uscis ?


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  • difference between w2 and 1099

  • gc28262
    01-28 05:15 PM
    Did you even read my post and the pdf link. BTW, pdf link refers to Aug 21st, 2009 much before this memo came out. Even if memo is withdrawn, how that is going to change the points agreed by the court?

    Here is the pdf link again
    http://www.uscis.gov/err/D2%20-%20Temporary%20Worker%20in%20a%20Specialty%20Occup ation%20or%20Fashion%20Model%20%28H-1B%29/Decisions_Issued_in_2009/Aug212009_09D2101.pdf

    I suggest that you go thru pdf links in my other posts for this topic. All these decisions refer to issues pertaining to H-1B working at the end-user client thru multiple layers. This memo does not make any difference that way. Like I said before, this memo just make the interpretation public knowledge.

    Why these H-1B cases have been denied in last years and why these denials were not reversed by appeal court? These answers should enlighten you.

    Just harping "illegal memo" does not change anything.

    Not a legal advice.

    Referring to the document.

    1. AAO is under USCIS ( I assume )
    2. USCIS has been making these erroneous judgments in the past in reference to H1B applications. If AILA overturns this USCIS memo( which I think is most likely), all these USCIS arguments will be trashed.

    Regarding the date of PDF (Aug 2009), USCIS has already been practicing whatever is listed in the Jan 2009 memo for past 1.5 years. The above said decision (PDF) was made during that duration. AILA is contending the very arguments made in Aug 2009 pdf.

    Also on another note, one of the leading lawyer's client reported that he got his H1B approved for a multi-layered consulting situation without even a client letter. So it depends on the lawyer who is presenting the case.

    Anyways let us wait and see.

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  • Example: Reviewing or Adding a

  • gc_eb2_waiter
    07-16 11:11 AM

    hairstyles W2 forms and transmittals. w 2 form example. to Example Of W-2 Form
  • to Example Of W-2 Form

  • SunnySurya
    06-11 09:13 AM
    I have some personal experience in this thing. In my case it was 750K, nevertheless a large some.
    Question for you: Were there any injuries in the accident?
    Hi Gurus,

    I need an advice from you.

    The situation:
    -- Involved in a collision few months back. As I had rear ended the vehicle, as per the investigation, it was found it was my fault(80% mine - 20% others)

    -- Now after more than 18 months, I get a law suit for 3.25 million dollars(. This was served against ppl who were involved. Right now my I have my EAD and AP and maintaining H1 status.

    So what are my options now?

    1. Check with attorney and start defending..?
    2. pack the bags and go back to my country ? If so, will there be any issues in coming back again, say after 3,4 years?
    3. What about my GC?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and I guess it would be a biggest decision of my life ..

    PD is Nov 2006.

    04-27 01:14 PM
    Your points from 1 to 5 point the same thing. They drive down the salary of H1-B and other citizens. They have many undue advantage and its high time L1 be capped and restrictions be placed.

    First thing, I'm not trying to divide L1 and H1 here. IV is for H1-B and GC processing and some L1 (genuine L1) and not for L1 in its current form.Whats going on in L1 is blatant abuses.

    I dont have problems with genuine L1s who wants to settle down and apply GC. But 90% of L1s, just come for 1-2 years, take away jobs to India, drive down wages and never interested in settling down

    The wireless company I work for, used to be a huge employer for H1s (primarily contractors). Now thanks to TCS and its army of $1 an hour L1s, slowly they are terminating contracts and giving it to L1s and shifting jobs to India

    High time, they stop L1s. Wake up and see around

    02-11 08:05 PM
    Anytime such discussions come up, invariably a few people jump on board threatening to quit IV. Who are you threatening? Are you helping yourself by quitting the fight to solve your problem?

    First of all, I am not threatening to quit IV.
    Secondly, even if I quit, its not going to matter to IV.

    IV's goal is to fight retrogression. So whoever wants to fight retrogression should stay on board.

    Thats why I am here. However, everytime someone talks about giving visa numbers from EB3-ROW to EB-2 India/China as the ONLY freaking thing in the world to do, I have to point it out to them that they are talking taking those visa numbers away from ROW-EB3. And that my friend, is not in the interest of ROW-EB3. Nor does it benefit India-EB3, or China EB-3.

    However, it is the privilege of a few affected people to discuss their problems on these threads. You are not obligated to follow these discussions if they are not to your taste. It is a legitimate question.

    I also enjoy that very same privilege. We are not here for things that we appeal to our 'taste'. This is not a forum discussing 'Borat'. We are here to talk about our interests as they relate to greencard and retrogression.

    Clearly USCIS is using one interpretation of the law while there is another possible one.

    Exactly. USCIS is using an interpretation of the law. EB-2 India doesn't like the current interpretation. EB-3 ROW doesn't like the alternate interpretaion. EB-3 India doesn't care. If you can say you don't like the current interpretation, you should be ready to hear form others that they don't like the alternate interpretation.

    The discussion here doesn't mean that IV will flip tomorrow and say they will fight for only India/China EB2s.

    Thats why I am still here. Thats why ROW-EB3 is here. And thats why India-EB3 and China EB-3 are here.

    Here is the current situation, as of Febuary 11th, 2007.
    EB-3 ROW : BaselineA
    EB-3 India : BaselineB
    EB-2 India : BaselineC

    We make efforts, and then this happens.
    Outcome 1:
    EB-3 ROW : BaselineA - DeltaA
    EB-3 India : BaselineB
    EB-2 India : BaselineC + DeltaA

    Clearly, this is not an optimal solution.

    IV's goals should be, and to the best of my knowledge, are:
    Outcome 2:
    EB-3 ROW : BaselineA + DeltaA
    EB-3 India : BaselineB + DeltaB
    EB-2 India : BaselineC + DeltaC

    Maybe, DeltaC is the biggest delta and EB-2 India becomes current in a single month. Thats ok. Thats great.

    Anytime you talk about Outcome1, you will give a pause to people like me (EB-3 ROW). Lets focus on Outcome2, and you will have my wholehearted support.