victoria beckham pregnant 2011 photos

images Since then, Victoria has victoria beckham pregnant 2011 photos. VICTORIA BECKHAM PREGNANT 2011

  • bskrishna
    06-19 05:39 PM

    Check out the above website. 6039 is the one relating to STEM and it has 26 co-sponsors

    If you're looking for a "hot" bill or a controversial issue that's been in the news recently, but you're not sure of its exact title, our page of Hot Bills by issue area is a great starting point for your search. There you can find groups of the most newsworthy bills, and in some cases the most contentious bills in Congress, as compiled by the editors of OpenCongress. It's a handy cheat-sheet of buzzworthy bills and their official titles. The OpenCongress Blog might have written about it recently too and may offer a helpful plain-language summary

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  • gc_on_demand
    06-15 10:55 AM

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  • Victoria Beckham Pregnant For

  • smisachu
    01-23 08:57 PM
    good thread. I do little bit of trading myself from a personal brokerage account and made some pocket change (few hundreds by trading commodity ETFs) recently. in layman terms, can u explain wht do u mean by ' US natural gas market is in contango' .

    First of all note that the original post was alomst year and a half old so dont go by the ideas there now :D

    In commodity markets you trade futures and spot. Spot means immidate delivery of the under lying commodity. In futures you pay today for delivery at a future date. So typically the price of the future will be the price of spot + the storage charge (simple calculation to give you an idea considering no premiums). As the day of delivery approaches the price will pull to spot price. For example if west texas intermediate (WTI) crude is $92 spot price the 3 month future will be $100. (92+8 for storage). Considering that the spot price does not change at all, in three months time the price of the oil you will now be purchasing will be $92, but you paid $100 for it. This is backwardation. This is usually how markets are most of the time.

    Now if in 3 months the price of WTI is trading at $110, you will own oil you paid $100 for and now can turn around and sell for $110. This is contango.

    When you buy a commodity ETF, they dont take actual delivery of the product, they roll their contarcts. So they will hold a 3 month contarct and when the third month approaches they sell the contarct and get another 3 month contaract. If market is in backwardation then they will always be buying high and selling low. If market is in contango they will make money but as soon as it switches back to backwardation they will ride down the slide and loose all the money they made. So I dont think ETF's are agood way of making money in commodities passively. You can actively manage the ETF portfolio and make money using options and hedges and leveraged ETF's. But buy and hold, I suggest go and invest with a CTA who will be trading rule based to negate the effects of contango and backwardation.

    Hope this is simple enough:)

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  • whiteStallion
    04-18 04:50 PM
    Hearty congratulations...


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  • gc_on_demand
    04-28 11:10 AM
    Define which Indian community?
    Gujratis who own motels and shops and will want more family immigration vs H1B


    Indians who are now citizens. They will want less Indians to reduce competition for their jobs or for their children.


    Desi consulting owners : less said the better

    Desi H1b, students EAD etc...
    They are a scared lot anyways and only worry about their immigration status and making dollars. Go tell them about IV if you can?

    So tell which Indian community you are talking about?

    Gangu ???

    Didnot understand ur first two points... Are Gujaratis not indian ? Can you be little more specific ?

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  • Pregnant Victoria Beckham has

  • ganguteli
    04-27 11:34 AM
    IV should work hard on defeating this bill. It will send a clear message to anti-immigrants even if the bill does not pass.
    Just because we want our green cards does not mean we forget people on H1b or future H1Bs
    Anti-immigrants do not differentiate us based on H1, L1, EAD, PD, ROW, EB3 etc. The bill is aimed at throwing all immigrants out. Period.


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  • Victoria-eckham-pregnant-5-f

  • wandmaker
    03-30 02:51 PM
    Forum Gurus - I got a denial letter on my 485. I am a July 2007 filer and applied for AOS in July 2007. My 140 was revoked by ex employer in August 2008 and immediately I got a NOID from USCIS and responded to it in a timely manner and my case processing resumed.

    But now, I got a denial stating that my 140 has been revoked in August 2008 and thats why my 485 is denied. My Attorney is filing for MTR and says it is a mistake on their side and will be resolved through MTR.

    It just baffles me that the person who sent the denial letter never looked into the system to see my case trail and blindly issued the denial notice. My Attorney says, it is very much possible that they do not look at RFEs or responses - they just issue denials when they browse through the 140s.

    I am EB2 India with a priority date of March 2006. I think some kind of pre assessment is going on. There are no LUDs and mine is at the TSC.

    Is there anyone else in the same boat? How long does it take for MTR to get processed?

    Nothing to panic, browse through chanduv23's posting(s) - you will be back in track in few weeks.

    Most recent case is at

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  • Since then, Victoria has

  • meridiani.planum
    05-26 04:11 AM
    This link looks to be from the HR. Menendez bill is in the senate. The text of the bill is not available at this time.|/bss/|

    Have to watch this one carefully. Kennedy (one of the co-sponsors of this bill) had thrown EB immigrants under the bus last year while favoring FB and illegals (in CIR). Need to be see the contents of this bill very carefully. Esp this clause from the AILA report:
    "Addressing the decades-long backlogs for certain countries by raising the per-country immigration limits from 7 percent to 10 percent of total admission".
    The CIR in 2007 had a similar clause, bumping up the country-limit from 7% to 10%, BUT it had another related clause that stopped rollover of visa's in the last quarter.
    That would be disastrous for people from India and China as number of visas issued for the whole year will go DOWN!!
    The recapture clause sounds promising , provided there is atleast an even split between EB and FB (of EB coming before FB). If they do it the other way around (like they had done in the last recapture for schedule-A nurses) then EB people will see no benefit of the recapture, and will end up losing one more quick-fix option.

    Eagerly waiting for the bill text so the dissection and analysis can begin!!


    victoria beckham pregnant 2011 photos. VICTORIA BECKHAM PREGNANT 2011

  • arc
    01-31 07:38 PM
    BUT Man Nasa people has a lot of questions...

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  • JazzByTheBay
    12-12 10:16 PM
    Excuse my cynicism, but that hasn't quite worked out with the crowd in question (so far... ), has it? :)

    Context: the highlighted part in your quote...


    We already have chapters as the first and foremost source of valuable information. Once someone becomes involved and committed, they will signup for monthly contributions themselves. If we have enough of that to guarantee a decent source of recurring income like 20 40 k or whatevr, I dont see the need to deprive some depressed soul surfing the net looking for some reassuring information from having to goto bed in peace.


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  • Leo07
    05-23 03:41 PM
    When you call the law makers and tell them you support XYZ bill.. my question is what do you get out of it!

    When the lawmaker realizes that he is getting 10000 calls from LEGAL aliens,
    >who are not from his constituency,
    >who can�t vote and
    >who can�t contribute to his election campaign�
    what is the motivation for the law maker to support the bill�

    So to avoid sounding stupid and foolish and desperate when you call� a more logical approach would be to :
    a) Generate a public petition form on IV website and have all the members� login and sign the forms digitally�
    b) Then have IV reps.. fax them and send them to lobby groups �.
    c) Lawmakers will listen to one talking head�and not worry abt 1000 calls that borders on ..�saar �support the bill saar�..

    How many of you have actually talked to the lawmakers? Its always the assistant!

    But instead .. someone says we have a signed petition of 25000 members effected by immigration mess �. And it�s a hi tech workers lobby group ..every lawmaker will talk to you and not the assistant!

    Conclusion: calling the lawmakers haphazardly is actually hurting IV a certain extent!


    Do what you got to do and let others do what they think is right. I don't think there is one Success mantra here...because we are yet to be successful.

    Honestly, I agree with you...but the underlying fact is some people get motivated for calling the senators and some for anonymous fax/email/flowers and some for rallies. There is definitely a subset who does all...but unless you are a Gandhi/MLK/JFK/'s hard to drive people in one route.

    Just a thought...

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  • London (08 Feb ,2011),(pti).

  • GCard_Dream
    01-31 01:14 PM
    Yes it is. ;) Please spread the word and make some contribution so that IV can do much more.

    Seriously, regardless of how it's accomplished it is a very welcomed news.

    to relieve some retrogression!


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  • gc28262
    07-18 09:00 AM
    Paskal, You are right - I do not understand. But mostly I cannot understand because as an organisation - you do not explain. Frankly, all I can do is register my disappointment at both your response and your attitude.While I get it that IV is actively involved in doing things over the years aimed at resolving this issue, I might feel that I could respect and maybe even understand these efforts better if IV kept its website up to date and all members who sign in updated on what's happening.

    I have often seen threads on this site that have members complaining that IV is not doing anything - to which invariably the response is that one should join the donor forum. On the other hand we get newsletters from admin that ask up to tighten our belts etc. - and get more involved. Well, that cannot happen unless IV provides more updated information on what IV is actually doing, veiled references to behind the scenes activity and years of hard work are not enough to involve all those who have signed up here to become 'more involved'.

    As for this discussion going nowhere I could not agree more - you see to have an open discussion or indeed debate - there must be at least 2 willing participants. And since you have already decided that you do not have time for the Qs of a mere non-paying member of this forum, I do not expect any better.

    By the way, the way ahead is not to close doors, but to welcome questions and encourge those on this forum with curiosity to be more active. More often than not, I have seen that those who Q on this forum, are mocked, ignored, and treated as if they are wasting CORE's time. Sad for a forum that hopes to involve a wider audience in this issue.


    As a new user, I would try to understand what IV stands for, What political forces IV is against and have some political wisdom before I start asking IV to disclose everything in a public forum. There are valid reasons why IV is not revealing everything in a public forum. If you are interested in resolving your own GC issues and that of others on this forum, you should not ask IV to disclose all the strategies and thoughts in a public form.

    There are many IV members who are old members of IV who trusts IV core leadership blindly even though we don't know IV strategies or thought process completely. One thing many of us can assure you is that IV core works with best of our interests in mind, they are a bunch of dedicated and smart people who understand how to plan our advocacy effort wisely.

    I would suggest you trust IV core leadership with their advice and directions as it is better for our own interests.

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  • Beckham, 35, had been

  • jamesbond007
    09-26 05:44 PM
    Thanks for your time and effort. But I believe your time could be utilized for other better causes than monitoring the comments made by the users by using the anonymous green/red dot system.

    This internet forum is already anonymous for all the posts being made. Thjere is no way someone can tie a userid to an individual. Then why a separate dotting system that ends up eating your time when someone complains?
    Someone's red dot feedback is only his/her opinion of the post; the same post could result in someone else's approval via a green dot.

    Just let that feedback hang out there in the open along with the reviewer's ID.
    Hopefully, by keeping it in the open, it will also make one to be more responsible in their choice of language while providing feedback.

    This may not be a simple change of a switch/flag. But please consider it for the future enhancements of the site.

    Thanks Lasantha for all your help. Even after getting your green card you continue to participate and help others in this struggle. That is Great. For the sake of disclosure here are some of the messages you left for other members. I think that these messages are extremely abusive and very harsh as compared to the message left for you. Although we do not encourage the use of words like moron, stupid, idiot, we see these words being used often on the forum.

    Lasantha 02:39, 23rd Sep 2007 -23 Ass hole !!!
    Lasantha 10:59, 14th Nov 2007 -27 Eat Crap you bastard!
    Lasantha 00:54, 19th Nov 2007 -27 DUMBASS YOURSELF!!!
    Lasantha 17:03, 5th Dec 2007 -28 WTF
    Lasantha 18:05, 14th Jan 2008 -39 WTF is wrong with you?
    Lasantha 16:06, 11th Mar 2008 -45 Wacko???
    Lasantha 21:29, 18th Mar 2008 -52 what the fuck???

    You be the judge the let us know if you want to know the user who left you that remark. We will go ahead and post that on this thread. And for the sake of fairness, we will also post the members for whom you left the above messages. You be the judge and decide.

    Thanks for your understanding.


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  • srikondoji
    07-18 04:37 PM
    I have stayed long enough in United States to say that this Rep is lying.
    No mail can take 4 weeks to reach.:eek:
    At the most a week but reasonable it will be 3 days.


    service cntr lady said that they sent the applications back. They do not use overnight Fedex like you and me,they use regular mail.and it could take 4 wks too will have to wait again for this? rejection and then refiling the same stuff?

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  • chanduv23
    12-17 10:20 AM
    I am not sure if you are moderator, if so, we request you have it as an IV action item in home page. Having been with this excellant forum for more than a year now most of us DO know if IV core endorse it or not ..If you notice , you will see my last posts stil in the same page.. meaning reponse isnt that great. Please drive it more..
    Thanks in advance..

    Hi Sri - I am not moderator - but a member like you. This thread has been hardwired so it remains on top of all posts.

    IV is all of us and no need to wait from moderator for approval. If you think that a moderator or an administrator stamp is necessary, pappu can post a message on this if it helps.

    IV is us all and members MUST drive campaigns. Thats how IV has always been and survived because of members taking causes


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  • mirage
    03-11 09:46 AM
    In my opinion USCIS will not give inaccurate information, in writing, to a Senator. The letter clearly mentions 'Application Pending for India'...
    "EB Applications pending from India" is very vague, and most probably is not what we are looking for.

    USCIS has indicated earlier that they don't know chargeability country until application is ready for approval, which may be true although we didn't want to believe this. Most likely until 485 application is approved birth country is not written anywhere other than the paper application. In most 485 application cases (family, EB and others), chargeability country is a just a matter of recording at approval time. At final approval time, when birth country is found to be retrogressed, application goes back to pending (or cold storage), but ready to approve. This also explains why cutoff dates have to rely purely on guess work, and move back and forth.

    For proper handling of cases for retrogressed countries, USCIS/DOS really have no workable method in place.

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  • palemguy
    12-11 01:43 PM
    Same situation happened to myfather. He attenede visitor visa interview. VO told him that he will be getting passport in a week. But we waited for more than 10 days. When we checked online status, address in VFS was wrong. So it went to wrong address.

    Call VFS customer service. customer service is really good.They can help you to get the passport to ur correct address.
    Hope it helps you.

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  • english_august
    07-11 10:50 PM
    I had to answer as NO as i live in northeastern PA... the poll should have had an option "I would love to but I live too far away.. but I'll be there in spirit" .. :)

    I think everyone is glad that you will be there in California in spirit. Maybe you could help organize another rally in northeastern PA.

    I think a better poll option would be to say "I live too far away..but I will organize a rally closer to my residence"

    02-07 06:11 PM
    :confused: 02/07/2007: Details of DOL Backlog Cases Processing Statistics

    Yesterday, we reported that the Backlog Elimination Centers had completed 67% of cases as of 01/27/2007. According to the "unconfirmed sources", the details appear to be as follows:
    Total Number of Cases: over 300,000
    Processing status by the Two Backlog Elimination Centers:
    Total 100% Dallas (152,000+) Phily (169,000+)
    Pending 33% 33% 36%
    Completed 67% (1) Certified 33% 33%
    " (2) Closed 21% 20%
    " (3) Withdrawn 11% 08%
    " (4) Denied 01% 02%

    The good news is that there were very small number of denials. Bad news is a large number cases did not make it through becuase they were either withdrawn or closed. There are a very small fraction of cases which are not reflected in the table.

    04-26 07:43 PM
    understood the anguish,... But will it do any good. No for sure. If not on H1, If not on L1 then outsourcing companies will find alternative like B1/B2 i have seen many examples... if on B1/B2 no benefits at all get the person get the work done forget the "Person"....

    This bill will INCREASE Outsourcing.. .My view. becoz employers after reading the text would say why should i worry about filing H1 after all so no new H1 Transfers to regular comps and no to existing consulting companies due to 50% limit. L1's are screwed.

    Ask yourself what does it do and whom does it help. Does it help existing economy , looks to many becoz they dont understand it increases offshoring...

    But there is already enough abuse in H1/L1 , How is IV recommending path forward for this bill ?