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  • ash0210
    03-10 10:31 AM
    Friend of mine (to whom I contacted regarding IV) is in USA for 7 years and knows how lobbying & party funds are raised (including Watergate) and also very much aware of "Retrogression" and problems of being "Legal".

    Also, he is aware of cause of IV and appreciate that but he is un-comfortable because whenever he login to IV, he noticed that:
    - more than 40-50% respondents are talking about money/contributions & signatures showing how much they have contributed as of today,
    - 10-15% are talking about blocking non-contributors(calling by Free Lunchers etc..),
    - 5 % are Pseudo intellectuals (talking BIG but dont know immigration basics like - PD, issues of I-140/I485)
    - 5% are always trying to shutdown others, accusing/calling by names to other forum members (he says "Highly skilled" in accusing!!)
    - and remaining are "Positive" contributors for IVs retrogression cause (talking about - I spoke to senators office, can we arrange rallies, when to Fax/fliers, when State chapters are going to meet, posting excerpts from senate/CSPAN/News etc..)

    Is our audience is so? Can we focus on our cause? pl be together like.. Like-Minded!!!

    My prioriy date has moved 1 week in 1 year. This is sufficient evidence for legislation ( that requires Hill lobbying ( which requires money.

    Like minded

    I had no understanding about legislation, politics, lobbying and money when I joined IV in Dec 2006. I used to wonder what core is talking about. However, I checked every statement against reliable media reported facts (NOT law firm blogs). I have not found a single contradiction. So I am very strongly like minded with core's direction.

    Here is an example. In Dec 2006, Jeff Sessions was cited by core as the reason to derail the SKILL Bill. Here ( is a recent example of an anonymous person derailing a Bill.

    Money minded

    Lobbying firm is the most important reason for existence of IV; grass root lobbying can be done without IV. IV paid QGA 80K ( in the first quarter of 2006; this is just one expenditure but has a public record. IV has to pay a similar amount to Patton Boggs. About 260*20/month was collected in 45 days in Jan/Feb 2007.

    Why can IV ignore talking about money (when balancing this deficit is very important)?
    How can IV ignore talking about money ALL THE TIME (when it takes 45 days to collect 260*20)?

    State Chapter Participation

    You missed this. We also ask members (ALL THE TIME ( to participate in State Chapters.


    Some (non) members are ignorant about GC problems, legislation, politics, lobbying and IV's activities. It is not possible to understand all of them even in a month. They have to put effort to educate themselves. Hence, the quotes

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  • punjabi77
    08-11 12:09 PM
    EB3I- PD Sep-2006
    EAD stuck in name check :-(

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  • msngroups
    05-25 03:28 PM
    At the end of day, what matters is PEACEFULNESS. Once the feeling comes that PEACEFULNESS is no more here, pack up !!!!!!

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  • arsh007
    02-01 11:48 AM
    Looks like there is now an increasing awareness of how Desi Consulting companies are bringing in a bad name to the entire desi population in this country.

    Found this email from Google H-1B Group: from
    infoprovider_ 2 at yahoo dot com.

    I would like to inform you about the large scale fraud going in the
    technology world today in USA. I know of many small-mid sized IT
    consultancies in US, which are founded by Indians. They recruit people
    (1) with degrees from various fields, most of the candidates recruited
    don't ever have any experience in computers. They train them in some
    tools (2) and change the resume totally (3), someone who has knowledge
    relevant to the job takes the interview instead of the actual candidate
    and they get placed. Ironically, even though these jobs advertisements
    say that around 5 years of experience is required, usually someone with
    not so high aptitude and limited trainig in that parituclar tool (2)
    can manage to sustain in that position, this is very real, these jobs
    can be done that way. They manage to get jobs in the biggest of US
    companies (4).

    This consultancy fraud is know to almost every Indian working in the
    technology sector. The consultancies almost don't take any one other
    than from India and surronding countires like Bangladesh, Srilanka. 99%
    of those i have seen are from India and the remaining 1% from
    Bangladesh, Srilanka etc.

    How many are doing this?
    I believe there would be atleast a few thousands of consultancies.
    Wanna find them? SOme of them advertise in Indian content sites such as Look at the right hand side of the page

    Who is loosing due to this.
    If this jobs can be done by someone with no experience in that
    technology, can't these be done by those americans who have a better
    experience (say 2 years or even 1 year), these folks work sincerely and
    go with correct resumes get X dollars where as the fraudsters get 3X -
    5X dollars.

    I don't say that every one from India are doing this. But a significant
    many are doing this. I know around 30 people working in US in
    technology sector. Over 20 are working this way. I can confidently say
    hundreds of thousands are doing this today and each year at least 50000
    (from student pool, dependents pool, directly coming to the
    consultancies as H1b workers from India) are joining them. Also, I am
    talking about the small to mid sized (1- 1000 people) consultancies not
    the big Indian consultancies such as Infosys and TCS.

    A lot of things can be done. But the simple thing that's easy to
    implement by the americans and thus not impede their productivity by
    spending too much resources in verifying the authenticity is this
    Let the INS provide the details of the H1b holders to the companies
    when asked by the companies only (this is similar to letting others
    e.g., housing provider, know about one's credit history). So, with the
    applicants SSN the companies can see the basic information like when
    the applicant has got his H1b approved and the resume submitted by the
    applicant with his H1b application (usually not many applicants give a
    very wrong resume to the INS while applying for the H1b). This
    eliminates almost all the cases of fraudsters (since they can't come to
    US today, one or two years ago and say that I have been working here
    for 5 years). This is one simple solution, easy to implement.
    There are many othere solutions

    (1) Whom do they usually recruit

    Thousands of students come from India every year to pursue Masters
    degree. They come to pursue Master's in various fields, the fields in
    which they have done their bachelor's back in India. Only about a
    quarter of them manage to get jobs in the fields in which they have
    done their Master's as direct employees of the companies. The remaining
    join these consultancies as they can easily get jobs through the

    Dependents, mostly those who come as spouses (coming as wives). They
    might have done some bachelors degree or Masters back in India in some
    field. Many of them not in computers. They don't have any experience
    there. They can easily be placed by the consultancies.

    SOme others pay these consultancies for sponsoring H1b visa. Typically
    the consultancies take the fee required for teh application and the
    lawyer fee (usually USD 2500-USD3000) . SOme of these cases are those
    with experience in IT in India. But significant number of the remaining
    are not experienced. Recently I have seen people who have been to other
    countries for their studies like Australia and Europe coming through
    the consultancies this way. Even most of these guys have no experience
    in IT, most experience in no field.

    (2) Which technologies they work in
    I have seen that the technologies they work in are in which the pay
    rates are high (because of lack of skillful people) like SAP,
    DataWarehousing tools. They also work in other fields like Testing etc.
    There are literally hundreds of thousands of jobs in these fields.

    (3) How much is the resume changed
    They change the resume totally. Every resume says the person has worked
    in US for over 4 years, doesn't matter if it is someone who came for
    masters to US an year or two years ago or someone who very recently
    came as a wife to someone.
    All most everyone's resumes have over 5 years experience where as in
    reality almost everyone don't have that much experience. If someone has
    that much experience they wouldn't go through these consultants who
    take a big fraction of the pay they get from the clients.

    Can't it be detected?
    No, in most cases its hard (expensive) for the recruiters (the clients)
    to find the authenticity of the resumes submitted. There is no proof
    that these resumes are authentic. Just in case some references are
    needed the consultancies give a dummy reference, and some phone number
    (they can ask some contacts, their acquiantainces working in some
    companies to take the call,if at all they feel that the client will
    find out from the phone number which company does this phone number
    belongs to, but most of the client companies don't go that far too, so
    a guy's mobile number who is working in the consultancy itself can be
    given as referencees contact number). It is hard to remember the voice
    by the interviewer after a few days of the intrview and usually these
    candidates join at least after a week after taking the interview (even
    if the candidate joins in 3 days, its hard to remember the voice as the
    interviewer usually interacts with many people (particularly they being
    in team lead or managerial positions)

    (4) I personally know people working in Microsoft, IBM, TEK systems,
    Cingular, Amazon, Accenture, Citigroup etc. This says such people are
    working in almost every technology company in USA
    So then, how is an American, like me, who spent tens of thousands of
    dollars to get thru 3 yrs. in a technical school that ended with a
    Bachelor degree in Science with Computer Information Systems, with
    honors, supposed to get a job in the IT community while these
    fraudulent (most likely illegal alien Indians) take the positions away
    from me? I worked my a$$ off studying hard, working hard, worked at
    the school, even took an extra course study in computer hardware
    configurations, and STILL, these IT companies DON'T want to even speak
    to me because they OUTSOURCE from these FRAUDS! How FAIR is


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  • santb1975
    02-01 02:08 PM
    I am planning on sending some question so the Hillary Clinton Townhall. I will check in with the experts before I send them in

    Employment based immigration is a very small part of legal immigration.

    Here is a break down of legal immigration #s for 2006 according to Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, published by Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) (available at Spotlight on Legal Immigration to the United States ( By Gretchen Reinemeyer and Jeanne Batalova | Migration Policy Institute, November 2007).

    1,266,264 immigrants were granted legal residence in 2006.

    159,081 immigrants who received green cards through sponsorship from their US employers accounted for 12.6% of all legal permanent residents.

    However, 87,702 (or 55.1%) of the employment-sponsored immigrants were spouses and children of principal applicants.

    The share of employment-preference immigrants has varied between 3.3 percent (59,525) in 1991 and 22 percent (246,878) in 2005.

    The other categories are family preference (802,712), refugee + asylee (216,454), Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 + parolees (43,546) and Diversity Lottery (44,471).

    Employment based immigration is legal. However, it may help to add legal to the title.

    Employment based immigration is skilled. I think employment based immigration includes cooks, priests, .... They consider themselves to be skilled just like everyone else!

    If you just ask for improving legal immigration, they will improve family based or asylum.

    As some persons learnt yesterday, legal immigration has very low priority as compared to undocumented. Similarly, employment based immigration has no priority in legal immigration!

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  • WillIBLucky
    11-16 01:49 PM
    There is radio talk guy Sean Hannity (Convervative Republican). He is very popular for his straight and truth talk on radio. He comes in 7:60 AM on radio from 3PM to 5 PM EST.

    We could send an e-mail or call and request him if he could take time to talk about our problem. He is very much against Illegal Immigration. He always supported legal immigration. He himself is an immigrant. Most of the people in Congress know him. Probably this might be a good idea and hope he will talk about our problems and this wrong propaganda about us not paying taxes.

    For more information about him you can check


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  • nomad
    07-16 02:11 AM
    Signed petition yesterday.

    Also, if you can, please try to post feedback about the show on CNN's website.

    Select Lou Dobb's show.

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  • Life2Live
    01-31 10:34 AM
    Under Most popular 10 and 23 looks more or less same so vote for both. Question number 38 on Democractic Candidate now.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    09-14 04:47 PM
    its a short sighted approach, you will just move from one level of pain to another one...once you realize that you are stuck with no change in job 'status' for 10 odd years you will realize that AC21 is not all that great...ihmo..i agree with you on the SKILL bill

    I agree with you guys...especially even if they permit 485 filing pending the priority will help a whole lot of people get out of their employer's tyrannical grip and lead a free life.....:) ...I only hope the SKIL bill gets passed in some way sooner.....

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  • snathan
    05-12 11:37 PM
    This might come as a surprise to some of you, but someone needs to say it out loud. GET A LIFE FOLKS!!!! there is more to life then EB, GC and all. it seem all we desi's can think of is how to get a green card so we can live here with peace and never have to worry bout getting laid off or anything.

    Few points:

    1) having gc is a privilege not a right.

    2) US has every right to choose whom they want to have in their country.

    3) If getting PR or citizenship of a western country is the goal there are many countries which have a fair point based system.

    4) Considering the number of fraud's committed by Indian body shoppers and people who use them, i am not surprised USCIS is extra careful when it comes to Indian applications. Anyone who got his wife with no exp with software dev an h1b visa from some cheat in Jersey knows what i am talking bout . My freind got his wife an H1 after showing she knew software testing even though her major was fine arts and all she was good at was web surfing :)

    5) have a back up. i came here in 2001 as student and have seen it all. I am on h1b since 2004. i knew we have too many people whose sole aim in life is a American GC. to avoid becoming one of those who check processing dates first thing in morning, i applied for Canadian PR, got it in 8 months and i am not even gonna bother applying for labor, i-140 and all those precious life controlling documents.

    Wake up friends, you have options. Don't let your life depend on you application status.


    I would have taken it seriouly if you didnt spend six years in the US and did not run away to the Canada. Atleast if you gone back to india, it makes much more sense.


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  • snowshoe
    04-26 02:06 PM
    I heard about IV from the Washington Post article. Used the webfax service and then came across this forum. Just contibuted $40, and spread the word to my friends waiting for labor.

    Good luck and good bye.

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  • walking_dude
    11-14 04:31 PM
    Why do you jump the gun and reach conclusions??!!!

    All that was asked - was to write to the Radio station using their website. Who asked anyone to picket?!!! Re-read my post. I asked members to call up and ask hard questions challenging his credibility. We have nothing to lose by doing so. If we make him fumble, he stands to lose a good following.

    I'm part of that 10% that you're speaking about. Are you? Have you joined your state chapter? Did you march in DC? Are you a regular contributor?

    What's wrong in using Gandhi's name? Are you allergic to the great man?

    Any day a Gandhi quote is better than the - 'This can't be done. That can't be done. It's all in vain' statements, which are highly negative, demoralising and triter than the usage of Gandhi. At least Gandhi quotations are positive and uplifting. And we need that here to balance the pile of the negative statements that get posted.

    It's a promise. Until you guys don't get tired of posting your negative and demoralizing posts, we won't be tired of invoking the Great man's name. We know it's vain to invoke Gandhi to you guys. But still hoping against odds that it may affect you in a positive way. :)

    Well then why dont you picket against NumbersUSA, programmers guild et al too, i can name 20 conservative radio shows try emailing/talking them to change their opinion. I say this because i have emailed to a few and even tho they understand my point of view they will not change something that gets them ratings and propagates their cause.

    IV has 25k members, i guess 10% out of those are really motivated to participate and ready do something, if you start diverting your resources towards such issues your team will not have much motivation or people remaining when you really need them to do something. IMO

    Quoting Gandhi left and right is becoming pass� now, its like desi politicians, invoking Gandhi for everything. Try not to take his name in vain. (this is not directed at your post, i have been following your well written posts for a while. It a general comment after reading the forums.)


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  • kshitijnt
    10-09 07:28 PM
    Only thing that makes sense right now is gold.

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  • Macaca
    03-09 11:18 AM
    I dont think any of your postings are less stimulating but I guess there is no big impact on these free lunchers.

    Another example from here (
    Please don't ignore the undernourished recurring contribution thread. Good things will come up on the floor with a nourished and healthy Patton Boggs. Thanks.
    Response (currently deleted)

    Macaca will keep asking and asking and asking.
    Macaca keep asking ...

    Please keep in mind that I (anurakt, AmitJoey, Neelu, Sunny1000, ...) are not begging for themselves. We are begging for everyone reading this because IV can not survive with current financial contributions.

    Also, please keep in mind that my contributions (financial + effort) are < 5% the contributions of core. Please don't take it for granted.


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  • hpandey
    06-13 12:59 PM

    Thanks for the post and your time!

    1. "PLEASE Put your real dates in your profile" There is no provision to put dates for CP filers!! All the dates are for 485 filers.

    Though it is proven time and again that CP filers are the least needed people on this forum (next to EB3 I - going by this thread), it is unfair not reserving few columns on the profile for CP filers ... It doesn't cost VISA numbers for that...

    2. I have told this before but would like to repeat now... I don't contribute because there is nothing for CP filers here. VISA recapturing is the only effort that would benefit CP filers but anyway the chances of that bill passing is close to 0.

    In my opinion, the biggest sufferers are people in EB3 India or China and who have opted for CP (now guys, don't start lecturing on CP vs. 485. We have heard it enough).

    Hi Will Win

    We all are immigrants in some way or the other standing in some line or the other. We need to be together . What IV is trying is to fix the system. If something somewhere gets fixed it surely benefits the immigrants and brings hope for other things that need to be fixed. Don't you think if the EB system here was fixed, IV would have been able to focus on CP ?

    We all need to stick together to help each other.


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  • add78
    05-23 02:16 PM
    The whole premise is influence. Meaning even though the lawmaker (representative) knows that the callers cannot vote or donate to his/her campaign yet, this "yet" is a powerful incentive. They know that sooner or later you will become a permanent resident and eventually a citizen and are already contributing towards the constituency by paying taxes, there will be an incentive to work for the agenda of tomorrow's influential populous. Therefore I believe that it will not hurt to call lawmakers and will make a strong show of support from his/her constituents. Of course, this is just one avenue and other avenues are also being pursued like petitions, lobbying, flyers, campaigns etc.


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  • vamsi_poondla
    11-06 03:37 PM
    The intent of the H1B program is not to bring people in the country in "Anticipatory mode" as you put it. The intent of the H1B program had always been for US employers to hire foreign skilled workers "On-Demand" when no american is willing, qualified or able to do the said job. Prior to 1999, the visa cap was 65000/yr WITHOUT the extra master's degree cap we have now, and still visas were never totally used up for any year, certainly not on the first day. It is only after the advent of the IT consulting companies hoarding visas in "anticipation" of future jobs that the problems started. Without any restrictions on this kind of abuse, no amount of H1 visa increase would be sufficient. They are talking of raising visas to 130,000 right? Based on the FY 2008 applications, those visas would be used up in TWO DAYS!

    IMHO, the intent of the H1B program is equally important than just loopholes (or not) in the letter of the law.

    I agree. But intent of law usually gets distracted once reality set's in. Not sure how we comparing 1999 to 2007 is right. Because many things changed.

    India which was doing low profile maintenance and support work became a global leader in outsourcing.

    You can also count #of folks coming to US on F1. Significant % of them become H1Bs.

    Again, I am not here supporting more numbers or less number in H1B. Because this forum and our organization is nothing related to H1B. We are for Employment based Green Card reforms. I rest my case....Thanks for interesting (and correct) opinions.

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  • caliguy
    10-28 03:47 PM
    Got a call this morning (at 8 AM) from an IO at local office telling me that my case was approved.

    After an hour, around 9 AM, I got another call from USCIS. I was pleasantly suprised with how polite the lady was. She told me that she was following up on the inquiry I had sent. She repeated what I already knew, that my case was approved on 10/26. I am assuming this was in response to the letter I had sent to USCIS secretary Napolatino. She congratulated me a couple times and I thanked her for calling me.

    So folks who are waiting, please try everything you can. Draft one good letter, and send it to everyone you can and hope that at least one of those authorities will look at your letter and do something about it.

    I also want to thank SeekerOfPeace who shared his letter to Sec. Napolatino with me.

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  • rajuseattle
    12-29 07:20 PM
    I just submit my story to the obama-biden transition team.

    IV members please visit the website link provided by IV and submit your stories to the transition team.

    Hope they hear us and do something to get some kind of administrative relief for employment based legal immigrants.

    For India/China both EB-2 and EB-3 are heavily backlogged and unless the new administration recaptures lost visa numbers due to bureacracy, it will be
    impossible to catchup the old backlog pending since 2001.

    11-02 09:28 PM
    Why are u coming up with such vague ideas.

    02-26 05:41 PM
    I had a quick question to ask. My, current H-1 visa is expiring on July 30, 2008. Also, my current I-94 and I-797 is expirin on the same date. I am eleigible to apply for extension 6 months in advance, starting Jan. 30, 2008. However, my question is if I apply for my H-1 visa extension now (say Feb. 28, 2008) and the extension comes by April 30, 2008; will that invalidate my H-1 visa stamped till July 30, 2008.

    Please refer me to any official memos if available. Thanks in advance.