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  • senthil1
    06-11 09:13 AM
    I think it should have minimal or no impact on your GC process. Somehow you can get gc. But what is the impact of case in your personal life that is more important. If you have an asset or money those are under risk. But if you have very less savings what they are going to achive by sueing you. Also did you have Insurance? Then they might put you and your Insurance company in lawsuit. Then your Insurance company may fight for you. If they win the case and court ask you to pay 1 million dollars then you can file bankruptsy protection and come out if you have very less money. Fighting is always better option than giving up. But again it is individual's decision. As you have option of going to India. But no such option for Americans

    Hi Gurus,

    I need an advice from you.

    The situation:
    -- Involved in a collision few months back. As I had rear ended the vehicle, as per the investigation, it was found it was my fault(80% mine - 20% others)

    -- Now after more than 18 months, I get a law suit for 3.25 million dollars(. This was served against ppl who were involved. Right now my I have my EAD and AP and maintaining H1 status.

    So what are my options now?

    1. Check with attorney and start defending..?
    2. pack the bags and go back to my country ? If so, will there be any issues in coming back again, say after 3,4 years?
    3. What about my GC?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and I guess it would be a biggest decision of my life ..

    PD is Nov 2006.

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  • gaz
    09-17 02:22 PM
    Seems like Zoe is loosing patience. She is starting to accept a lot of amendments and is some how trying get it wrapped up.

    an amendment to respect religious freedom by King
    and agreed to

    Be happy Mr King..please be nice to Zoe and us now

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  • DesiGuy
    09-17 12:27 PM
    there are 6 sections in 6020...think they are discussing ammendment to the final section (6th) so hoping ours will be next

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  • kvranand
    05-07 02:28 PM
    We had our first FP's in Oct '07. No FP's after that. So It's been 18 months since we had our first FP's! What does this mean? My application at NSC.


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  • akp
    05-25 01:53 PM
    guys and gals,

    Cool down. Remember we are foreigners in this country. We need this country more than they need us ( as they say, graveyards are full of indispensable people!). A country is not considered advanced by the cell phone models people use, but rather than how much food they produce, what is the standard of living, how many noble laureates it produces per year, etc.
    Besides, in my 7-8 years living in this country, first as a student and then as H1 worker, never once have I felt being treated differently because I am a foreigner or look different.
    Now compare that to living in Europe (you will be treated as dirt as soon as you enter airport), it is racist, living in past and full of bureaucracy.

    As for India, mera bharat mahan, but I remember a time when I had to pay bribe on the train ticket counter to get a measly 2nd class sleeper ticket, or just to get a electric connection, would dare not get near a policeman, etc. etc.. The list is long and I suppose I everyone here knows what I am talking about.

    So please ask for your rights but remember you are in their country, nobody forced you to come here, and beggars can't be choosers.

    Not for very long. There are bigger, faster markets than US in the world.

    A joke, right? Financially maybe, technologically never. Most European countries are far more technologically advanced than US. I'm sure Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore also are all more advanced than US.
    For example, only US is still using paper checks to transfer money. Using coins to pay for a phone call in phone booth. Still has no control over who lives in the country, or who goes in and out. Still not using computers for processing immigration applications (Why do I have to send in the same papers 10 times, send in tax papers, give my background info, give fingerprint 10 times.... and this all on paper... come on it is 2007 not 1907). Still drive around in cars instead of having a good inter-city connectivity with trains. No high speed trains. Still likes to see rubber stamps on official papers and believes it has any kind of value.
    And so on and on and on.... I could write a book why US is behind most civilized countries. But thats ok. US is what it is.

    But the worrying part is; it is going to get even worse when they kick out all the H1B etc who are here legally and provide free knowledge. And instead keeping the uneducated mass of Mexicans or south americans who run across the border illegally and then given amnesty by some fool in Congress. Good luck with that project.
    Not a country I want to live in or pay tax in.

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  • sledge_hammer
    07-16 10:55 AM


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  • mheggade
    07-18 02:40 PM
    Hi Folks,

    I know that with a deluge of applications, the question I am asking might not be relevent in the current scenario (July filers), but what is the historical EAD processing time? I know they say that USCIS will issue one within 90 days, but does it always take 90 days or is lot lesser?

    I remember when I got EAD during OPT, it took like 30-40 days on average. Does the same hold for the EAD for EB too?

    Appreciate your response. thanks!

    When I applied for my wife who was on L2, it took 14 days.

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  • deletedUser459
    06-04 11:47 PM
    i give you...

    the skaPod!!!


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  • coopheal
    07-30 07:06 AM
    Thanks for this information. I took liberty of putting this on IV wiki.
    Please update the wiki if you would like to add/update your original comments.

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  • leo2606
    10-03 08:30 PM
    I second this post.

    My post is going to make few MS/Phd people angry over here. Correct me if I am wrong, but when you came here to do MS/Phd, you came on a student visa...Right? Student visa comes under Non Permanent Non Resident alien category. All of you had a burden to prove to the US consulate that after you complete your degree, you would go back to your home country. All of you prepared for that and you knew the moment you said, I might not come back, F1 would be gone! You said this...every time you went back for F1 visa revalidation. Mind you..that H1/H4 never had that burden. They could have easily said that yes, if I like USA, I might not come back.
    Now fast forward....MS/Phd is done. Suddenly...."I will go home after MS/Phd" statement is gone..and hunt for H1-B is on! Once they get H1-B, hunt for Green Card starts. Once this heavy head Phd guy, who spent last 5 years on 1500 bucks a month is in GC line....he also realizes that hey, H1-Bs should not be allowed to interfile. After all, they all work for desi consulting companies. Yeah..right! Look who is talking! All H1s should come in EB-3, after all they did not go through 1500 bucks a month for 5 years.
    Here comes a Phd guy who always lied to the system saying "I love my home country, my research would do wonders to the society at home" is not leaving any stone unturned to get his GC (faster than anyone else).....tell me, who is inferior? A Phd student who lied to the system for 4/5 years and suddenly changed his intent or an H1-B candidate who never had the burden to prove that he would go back.

    All of us are part of this very painful journey! I have spent 8 years on H1-B and I am still waiting for my GC. I work for a desi consulting company, my GC is in EB-3, I have a B.Tech. degree from IIT and I am sick and tired of this GC mess.


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  • pa_arora
    01-31 07:05 PM
    Also if you have multiple browsers (IE, Firefox), you can vote from each of them once :D
    Doesn't work for me. I have Opera and IE. Thats the first thing I tried this morning when I voted...but anyways we have put-in enought efforts to have 2 questions in first 10.

    Had atleast 40 votes on this.

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  • qplearn
    09-13 01:30 PM
    The company I work in is a medium sized business organization. My boss is a staunch republican. I hope to make him aware of these 2 bills and request him to write to the locol congressman and the senator. If we can all do the same then we can buil substantial momentum towards getting these 2 bills passed. Since most of the businesses have republican leanings and at some time have contributed towards the GOP in some way, their endorsements can have a major impact.

    I have written to my local HOuse rep; no response from him.

    I agree with Alabaman. We need to coordinate and do something. Waiting and watching will get us nowhere.


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  • jp_blr
    06-15 01:06 PM
    Thanks Senthil for the reply.. I definitly understand what you are saying.. I think the problem is my marriage is not yet fixed, in fact the hunt just started. :)

    Guys, Other opinions pls?

    It is completely unpredictable. Actually when you file I485 USCIS does not process FIFO(They are supposed to). For example there are 10k gc are left for the year. First they will process the applications which are cleared FP based on PD and receipt date. Always risk is there when filing without marriage. You are safe till USCIS starts process your application. When they take your application for processing then you cannot add your spouse. Also if CIR decides to process backlogs faster then also you will be in problem. Best option is if your marriage is already fixed do it within 3 months and file GC before PD is backdated. You need not file July first. You can wait till Jul15 to see next VB and decide.

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  • vin13
    07-30 04:44 PM
    Hello IVians,
    As we all await our GCs, I thot we can explore some investment vehicles.

    Does anyone here have experience with commodity trading?
    Can we trade in commodities on H1 or L1 status?
    Is it too risky like forex trading?
    Who are the online brokers offer commodity trading?
    Is there a minimum account balance / trade required every month or so?

    Pls share your experience. Thanks!

    This is not related in any way to Immigration.


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  • Buran
    02-08 11:37 AM

    When you post about ability to pay RFE please specify your company size and how old your company is.

    My employer has 2000 employees and was established very long time ago, right now they have financial difficulties and are loosing money. They pay much more then a prevailing wage. Although they are loosing money now, they\'ve been around for almost 100 years. Is the ability to pay will be an issue with USCIS?

    I think maybe I should invoke AC21, to avoid ability to pay RFE?

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  • chanukya
    02-05 05:22 PM
    IV has to priorotize before going to a lobbyist, with very very few contributions made, its very difficult to have everything bundled into a single request.

    Its also unfair that L1 has to work for specific company but L1 spouces can work for any company any job, its so funny, when you think H1 has to work for specfic company and only for specfic job, but spouces can work for any compnay any job any salary without any labor department intervention

    Immmigration awareness has increased a lot among US voters, when it comes to threat of their jobs being lost, and democratic senators are very much aware of it, hence CIR is no longer their priority.

    I am not fighting but YES, my reason to join IV was to find justice to the H-4 not being able to work when L-1 spouses and Agjob spouses (I read this a year ago) could. Although no promises were made from IV, I was surpired today since nothing was ever said regarding no interest in the H-4 cause when many discussion were in place. Here people contribute for their own benefits, I was here for the H-4s, that is why I transcribed part of the conference calls too, so I was somehow a contributer to a cause that doesn't represnt my interests, but I know it represents the interests of the unmarried folks, or married to IT spouses folks.


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  • centaur
    03-20 07:13 PM
    You need to find a new employer and a new sponsor. Sorry its harsh but its the best advice we can give you.

    I doubt anyone has been through my situation because most of you are high or higher-paid IT professionals. In my case, my company's immigration attorneys have been requesting the prevailing wage over and over for more than a year noiw (in order to get me started with PERM) but the prevailing wage always comes back way higher than what I am getting paid! Evidently, I am severely underpaid, and there is no light at the end of my tunnel unless my company matches the prevailing wage, which I doubt they will do. I used to laugh at those that called H1B the "modern day slavery", but now I am not laughing anymore. Has anyone at all been through this ordeal and can at least share a shoulder to cry on? Thanks guys

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  • gc28262
    03-10 07:17 PM
    This data is ambiguous from the USCIS. It very well could represent pending 140 petitions, in which case all the euphoria would turn to shock. We must try to get clarification about this before anything else.
    One of the tables there mentions the NIW, that is determined at the 140 level, after that a 485 is a 485 and it goes into the EB2 queue. So when they list that in the breakdown, I suspect if they may be referring to 140s here. Additionally they list either no NIW140 or NIW-based 485s from the NSC. If they are referring to NIW based 485s, this is incorrect, since I am one of those with an approved NIW and pending 485 at the NSC. There are others like me on IV physician forum.
    So lets try to get more information about this response. This data does not give the whole story. In a worst case scenario it is indeed pending 140s they have given.

    The best strategy is to prepare a request that will get all the details and route it through different senators.

    Multiple members from different geographical area should route the same request through their senators.

    If the query result from all these senators doesn't match, we will know USCIS didn't give the proper info.

    In that case we can follow up with senators for the real data.

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  • lvinaykumar
    07-14 01:37 PM
    Any updates here..

    04-13 05:38 AM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD MORNING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill ( (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)

    09-17 11:30 AM
    Audio is clear now