Osama Bin Laden Dead - Hollywood Excited!

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Yesterday the world were shocked by the death of the old main terrorists into America prey, Osama Bin Laden . Al-Qaeda leader 54-year-old who had been accused of masterminding the tragedy of 9 / 11 by crashing two planes into the World Trade Center, New York, on 11 September 2011 and had passed away in Pakistan.

Osama Bin Laden Dead

10 years is Osama hunted down, until finally on Sunday (1 / 5) evening American time or Monday (2 / 5) afternoon asia time, the terrorists were shot dead by the U.S. military. From the DNA examination, proved that the person who shot that was Osama bin Laden that had been sought........

American President, Barack Obama officially confirmed via live broadcast on television that he had just received the news. In the broadcast, Obama said, "Tonight, I can report to the American people and the world that America has done the operation that killed Osama Bin Laden , the leader of al-Qaeda, and terrorists responsible for killing thousands of men, women, and children .

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Hollywood Celebrities Photos

From the announcement, various social networking sites directly crowded earlier. Several Hollywood celebrities also participate post their joy to celebrate the death of a great American enemy number one. And here are some summaries of Twitter several celebrities:

Osama Twitted
Osama Twitted